
spiral house project, 2007
image courtesy sou fujimoto architects

describe your style, like a good friend of yours would
describe it.

I call it 'primitive future'.
a sort of primitive situation that relates to the human 'cave'
habitation but at the same time I like to create something
new for the future.
I recently gave a lecture 'cave or nest', the two embryonic
states of architecture.
a 'nest' is a place for people that is very well prepared,
everything is assembled and very functional, meanwhile
the 'cave' is just a raw space, which people need to explore
and find their own comfort within. this is a situation where
people can use space creatively.
I prefer something like the cave-like-unintentional space.
something that is in between nature and artifact - formless

Imposible tarea la de mandar tu cv a la gente que más admiras... media hora pensando qué decir para luego no decir nada.

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